
PT, Behavioral Counseling and Modification


Individualized Personal Training involves one-on-one training with you and your dog. These sessions are ideal for pets with socialization problems that prevent them from interacting with other animals or with other behavioral issues that require more focused attention. Sessions run by the hour; length is determined by desired goals. Private classes and behavioral training are priced at $125.00/hour.


Basic Obedience I


This is a five week basic training course. While dogs of all ages are welcome, this course is commonly taken during a dog¹s adolescence (approximately 4 months ­ 1 year). During this stage, your dog becomes more independent and self-confident as it establishes its identity. Negative behaviors that were not addressed with your puppy will be magnified during the adolescent stage, and learning to communicate effectively with your  dog continues to be critical. This is a time of frustration for most owners. This class will help you understand how your current interactions may incite or encourage negative behaviors in your dog ­often the slightest changes can correct a large number of behavior problems. The commands heel, sit, down, stay and come are introduced during this course. Socialization is an important part of this class and is crucial in helping your dog become confidant and secure. Minimum age for this course is 4 months.

This 5 week program is $185.


Basic Obedience II


This four week course fine-tunes the skills learned in the Basic I class. Your dog will learn to focus for longer periods of time and to listen without you having to repeat commands so frequently. Distractions will be introduced to make the work more challenging for both you and your dog. The stay and come commands will be used in a more realistic manner, similar to what may happen in a home or park environment. Some off-leash work and agility equipment will be introduced.

This 4 week program is $165.


Agility Training


This six-week course can feel more like an amusement park than instruction for you and your dog - and it's an ideal opportunity to include members of the entire family.  With your help, your dog will navigate through tunnels, weave poles, tires and over the see-saw, A-Frame, dog walk and hurdles.  Agility class is an excellent way to develop your dog's dexterity, confidence  and  trust in you through challenging and unfamiliar obstacles. Agility offers a balance between both physical and mental stimulation that your dog needs to thrive.

This 6 week program is $199.


Phone Consultations


For people who have limited time and availability, Pet professor has a new option that can help even the busiest pet owners.  We are now offering Phone Consultations.  Phone consults are great for people just starting out with their pups and require basic information. They are advantageous for owners who need pointers on basic commands, potty and crate training, jumping and common behavioral issues that don't require in-person sessions.  Phone Consultations can also provide important information to people who have had previous training and desire additional methods, opinions and schools-of-thought.

For more information, a no-charge initial phone conversation or email will determine if Phone Consultations can be beneficial. Then the date and amount of time requested can be established. Give it a try.  We'd love to hear from you!

Phone consultation fees are as follows:

  15 minutes - $20        

  30 minutes - $35        

  45 minutes - $50       

  1 hour - $60